Parent Manual

Mrs. Newton’s Room

Classroom Rules:
  1. Follow all directions and be responsible.
  2. Listen carefully.
  3. Treat others with respect.
  4. Work quietly.
  5. Follow all of the Essential 21.
Discipline Policy:  As in every classroom, there are behavior expectations that must be followed by each student so that valuable learning time is not wasted.  In the classroom we will be using the Clip Chart Behavior system.  I love this system because students can move up and down the chart as the day progresses, offering the opportunity for students to make smart choices and improve their behavior.  It also encourages the “green light” students to “rise above” to role model and outstanding status.  It offers recognition for all students, focusing on positive behaviors.  More information on the Clip Chart is attached to this packet.
How will your child’s behavior grade be calculated?  Your child will start each day with 3 points.  Each level that your child clips down, he/she will lose a point. If your child reaches the bottom of the chart, he/she will receive a zero for the day.  For a normal 5 day week, your child can earn 15 total points.
            OUTSTANDING CLIP CLUB:  Each time your child reaches “Outstanding” on the clip chart, he/she will receive a star on their clip.  Once your child has achieved 5 stars, they will receive a BLUE clip.  After 5 more stars, they will receive a RED clip.

            After 5 more trips to OUTSTANDING, your child will join the GOLD GLITTER CLIP CLUB!  Gold Glitter Clip Club members will earn a special lunch with ME during the last week of school!

            Other Opportunities for Rewards: In the classroom, we do table/row points.  When I see a table/row doing something excellent, being very quiet, following directions, ready to learn, etc., they will receive a point.  The table/row with the most points at the end of the week draws a reward card.  They pick an appropriate time during that following week to turn in their reward card and complete the reward.
Some of the rewards are:
1. 20 minutes of free computer time
2. Use a pen all day except during math time
3. Stinky feet award (take shoes off in class)
5. Free IPad time at the end of the day
7. Sit by a friend for the day

            Student of the Week:  During the first week of school your child will be working on a student of the week poster.  They will have an opportunity to color and decorate their poster in class.  These posters will be stored in the classroom.  Every Friday I will draw a name.  The name that I draw will be the new student of the week for the following week and have their poster hung in the hallway for display.   He/she will be the “teacher’s pet” for the week. 

What else should you expect this year?

            Newsletters:  Newsletters will be emailed home every Monday.  Hard copies will be sent with students whom do not have email.  The newsletters will include the homework for the week and any important dates coming up, such as field trips or school parties.         
Homework Policy:  The National Parent Teacher Organization (PTA) suggests that homework not exceed ten minutes per grade level for students.  Therefore, homework for students in fourth grade should take about 40 minutes per night.  In my classroom, homework will always be a review of a skill taught, so if you see your student struggling with homework assignments and, if more often than not, requiring over 40 minutes to complete homework, please contact me. 
I expect all homework and class work to be turned in on time. Students who do not complete homework must finish it at recess time.  Any class work that is not completed to the best of your child’s ability will also be REDONE during recess time.  I expect your child to try their best.
Accelerated Reader (AR):  Reading is essential in all areas of life.  Therefore, in fourth grade, part of your child’s language arts grade will include their work in AR.  At the end of the 9 weeks, the percentage from their AR goal (not to exceed 100%) and the percentage from their accuracy will be added to the grade book, resulting in 2 grades from AR.  Your child will have time to read in the classroom, but they will need to spend about 15 to 20 minutes a night reading to ensure their goals are met.        
            Absences:  Students who are absent will have a folder of the previous day’s work on their desk the morning of their return if the work is not picked up the day(s) of the absence.  Students will have the number of days they are absent to complete the work.  For example, if a student is out sick 2 days, they will have 2 days to complete and turn in the work.  Worked not turned in on time will result in reduced grades and possibly a zero for the missing work. 

            Snacks and Water Bottles:  Your child is welcome to bring a water bottle and a healthy, nut free snack to class.  Students can have strictly WATER!  Please do not send in flavor packets to be added to the water.  Also, please be sure that all snacks are healthy, so we are following the school corporation’s wellness and nut free policy.  Listed below are a few items that are suitable snacks.

  • Animal Crackers
  • Graham Crackers
  • Go-Gurt
  • Fruit (nothing that needs to be cut up please)
  • Pretzels
  • Cheese-Its
  • Granola Bars

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